Neuroscience 2010

Neuroscience 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Service To Others

I  took part in Antioch last year as a candidate, and this year as a chapel team member. I feel that it is my duty to give back what has been given to me which is why I chose to become a team member of Antioch. We provide students with a weekend retreat of prayer, reflection, and connection to other members of the Loras community. Faith is an important part of my life and I do feel it is my responsibility to serve others through my own faith as well as connect with them spiritually.
                In the spring of 2011, I am going on a service trip to the Brother Darst Center to help aide in social justice and peace activities. It is important to me to be active in communities unknown to me, for I do not know where I will end up in life. Bodies are not permanent, and it is important to connect with as many people as possible knowing that territory does stay permanent. I enjoy peace and justice activities and it is pertinent that as a responsible contributor I take action in areas of interest and be fully alert of weaknesses and strengths in different communities.

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